Sara Grey House Concert

What: Cornell Folk Song Club House Concert
When: Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Where: near Triphammer Mall
Ithaca, NY
How Much: $10 door / call 257-5551 for reservations / no advance sales, no rebates

Sara Grey
Sara Grey

Sara Grey's lovely, knowing voice and spirited frailing banjo are perfect vehicles for interpreting fine old songs from both sides of the Atlantic. She has lived widely and deeply, from New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Montana to the Isle of Skye and many points in between. It is her experience and her nuanced, emotional performances from the heart that give spark to her traditional repertoire, from New England farm life to Appalachian old-timey tunes to cowboy songs, to ancient Scots and Irish ballads.

In Sara Grey, according to Brian Peters (Folk Roots), "The arts of a singer and of a story teller merge to produce a web of tales and songs capable of transporting an audience to the intimacy of a kitchen fireside." She's been performing for more than 30 years, from her home base in the British Isles. Her tours in her native America just aren't frequent enough, so be sure to catch her special House Concert in Ithaca.

(Margaret Shepard)

Space is limited; for reservations and directions, call 607.257.5551.
If you can't make it Wednesday, call 607-962-4461 or Email D. Chesman for reservations another of Sara Grey's House Concerts, this one in Painted Post (near Corning, NY) on Thursday, April 29.

  • More info about Sara Grey (warning: not an HTML web page, may not be safe to view; you can see a version of it by Googling "Sara Grey").
  • Folkstuff home page

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