Utah Phillips in Concert

What: Cornell Folk Song Club Concert
When: Saturday, March 1, 2003
Where: Kulp Auditorium,
Ithaca High School,
Ithaca, NY
How Much: $15 / usual discounts

Utah Phillips
Utah Phillips

WARNING: If you come to hear U. Utah Phillips sing dozens of songs, you might be disappointed. Notoriously, he has been known to take up to half an hour just to complete a short one with only a couple verses. Interruption upon wonderful digression upon extended aside is as much a part of Utah on stage as his music. And, heck (although U. Utah might use a stronger word), he might even set his guitar aside just to tell a bad joke.

As loyal Utah Phillips fans have come to know, a concert will include his amazing interpretations of both traditional and contemporary hard-hitting songs, but also some of the longest-stretching of any leg-pulling yarns you'll ever hear and plenty of irreverent jabs at our national leaders and some of the wisest of wry observations about any number of other of life's foibles. Once believed to be the figment of Rosalie Sorrels' imagination, Utah Phillips is among the folk music world's most respected voices (craggy as it is). Once dubbed America's favorite old hobo, perhaps itinerant philosopher is a better handle these days.

U. Utah Phillips, "officially" retired from touring for more than five years now, is coming to Ithaca again after an absence so long Folk Song Club members can't even remember exactly when it was. Under doctor's orders, "because of a bum ticker," not to take to the road again, "the Golden Voice of the Great Southwest" has never been too good at taking orders from any one. Proud of being known as a curmudgeonly rascal, however, he is not so much defying his doctors as trusting his care to his "enormous folk music family all over North America." It is not hard to understand his decision, because he loves what he does, and Utah has been on the road for more than fifty years -- since he ran away from home in his teens to first ride the rails.

Tickets are available at Ithaca Guitar Works, Borealis Bookstore, Small World Music, Bound for Glory, and, if any are left, at the door. You may also order tickets online.

(John Henderson)

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