Mustard's Retreat in Concert

What: Cornell Folk Song Club Concert
When: Saturday, November 3, 2001
Where: 165 McGraw Hall,
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY
How Much: $10 / usual discounts

For more than a quarter of a century Mustard's Retreat has been entertaining audiences with its special brand of folk music, full of enthusiasm, good humor, and fine musicianship. The duo, made up of David Tamulevich and Michael Hough, have been so treasured in Ithaca that they won the very first Best of Bound For Glory award a couple years ago.

In concert, they blend an evening with an eclectic selection of their own material, traditional songs and tunes, and works well selected from other songwriters. Songs will be both contemporary and familiar. You can count on some storytelling, excellent harmonies, and songs with choruses to join in on. As part of their evening's mix, they also present songs that tackle contemporary social issues or will make you think, but they are skillful enough to enlighten without hitting an audience over the head with message. These are good folks, and theirs are songs that celebrate.

David and Michael met in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1974 (as cooks or dishwashers, we're told, not students) and discovered that they shared a common interest in songwriting and guitar playing, They soon started performing together in a local coffeehouse, and haven't stopped yet. "Music to cure what ails you," is a line that has followed them. The only thing contagious about them is their good humor and lively spirit. In these times, that should be even more reason to come out and enjoy Mustard's Retreat.

Tickets are available at Ithaca Guitar Works, Then and Now (I-Town) Records, Bound for Glory, and at the door. You may also order tickets online.

(John Henderson)

For information about the concert, contact

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