Scandinavian Dance Workshop

When: Saturday, October 20, 2001
Where: Willard Straight Hall Memorial Room, CU
When: Sunday, October 21, 2001
Where: Robert Purcell Union Multipurpose Room, CU
How Much: $45 for both days, in advance
Info: 607.272.8907 or 607.256.9872

The Cornell International Folk Dancers at Cornell will be sponsoring a Scandinavian Dance workshop on October 20-21, 2001. Renowned teachers Jennifer Brosious and Laine Harris will teach dances of Norway and Sweden, and the Scandinavian fiddle group Fiddlespel will provide live music for both the teaching sessions and the evening party.

The schedule for the weekend is:

Saturday, Oct. 20

  • 9:30-11:30 AM Workshop 1
  • 1:00-3:00 PM Workshop 2
  • 3:30-5:30 PM Workshop 3
  • 7:30-11:00 PM Dance party

Sunday, Oct. 21

  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Workshop 4

In addition, Jennifer and Laine will be doing a demo and brief teaching on Friday, Oct. 19 at the Tompkins County Country Dances Tompkins County Country Dances contra dance at the Bethel Grove Community Center from 8 to 11pm.

Admission to the weekend events is:

  • Individual workshop session - $12
  • Saturday night dance party - $8
  • All Saturday-Sunday events - $45 in advance, $50 at gate.

Saturday events are in the Memorial Room of Willard Straight Hall, and Sunday events are in the multi-purpose room of Robert Purcell Union, both on the Cornell University campus in Ithaca, NY.

More details, a flyer, and registration form will soon be posted on the Cornell International Folk Dancers web site.

Other contacts:
David Rice (607.256.9872)
Ed Abelson (607.272.8907)

- Laurie Hart


Jennifer Brosious and Laine Harris have been international folk dancers for over thirty years, specializing in Scandinavian dances. Having met while performing and touring with the Los Angeles-based AMAN International Folk Ensemble, they have taken advantage of numerous opportunities to study with master teachers and tradition bearers both in the United States and abroad.

Recently returned from Norrlandia Dance Camp in Sweden, they are fluid dancers and experienced teachers, having been on the teaching staff at many camps such at Stockton, Buffalo Gap Camp, Jullian CA, and Dance Flurry. They are frequent guest teachers in the New York tristate area and currently run a regular, ongoing dance class in Greenfield MA. They have the experience, distinctions, and abilty to make dancing fun and accessable.


Fiddlespel is Laurie Hart and Sarah Cummings, a duo which brings the dance music of Scandinavia to life with glorious harmonies and rhythmic drive. Having played together since 1998 as leaders of the Daughters of Sweden spelmanslag (Scandinavian fiddlers' league), Laurie and Sarah struck out on their own, and their first CD (with Mia Boynton on guitar and John White on piano/organ) was released in August 2000. Fiddlespel performs village dances and gammaldans music from Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland on two fiddles, and Laurie also plays nyckelharpa (the keyed fiddle, a Swedish bowed instrument related to hurdy-gurdy), and Hardanger fiddle (a Norwegian fiddle with sympathetic strings).

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